Respiratory System

  1. 2. Swollen airways and increased mucus in the respiratory system
  2. 3. Used to breathe and to smell
  3. 6. Tube-like passageway at the top of the throat that receives air, food, and liquids from the mouth and nose
  4. 7. Tiny air sacs where respiration occurs
  5. 12. The airway that leads from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchi
  1. 1. Commonly known as the vocal cords.
  2. 4. the destruction of alveoli from smoking
  3. 5. Branches out like trees inside the lungs
  4. 8. Flap of tissue at the lower end of the pharynx
  5. 9. Capacity The amount of air that can fit in someone's lungs
  6. 10. Used to breathe and to eat
  7. 11. Test of a persons aerobic fitness