Respiratory System

  1. 1. Pertaining to a blood vessel.
  2. 5. Snoring sound heard during inspiration or expiration.
  3. 6. Patients with asthma have spasms of the …..
  4. 7. A general term for a deficiency of oxygen in body.
  5. 8. Improve the ability to cough up mucus from the respiratory tract.
  6. 10. Refers to the lungs or respiratory system.
  7. 11. Snoring sound heard during inspiration or expiration.
  8. 13. An incision of the trachea to allow for oxygen.
  9. 15. An inflammation of the pleura.
  1. 2. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide which takes place in small sacs in the lungs.
  2. 3. A wire loop instrument used for excision of polyps.
  3. 4. The diagnosis of a patient who is breathing rapidly.
  4. 9. One of the four major disorders included in COPD.
  5. 12. Any of several tests used to evaluate respiratory function
  6. 14. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.