Respiratory System

  1. 2. Flaplike structure that prevents food & liquids from entering the trachea
  2. 3. Exhalation
  3. 4. Located between pharynx & trachea
  4. 6. Rings in trachea preventing it from collapsing
  5. 7. Portion of hemoglobin containing iron
  6. 9. Suffocation (lack of oxygen & excess CO2)
  7. 11. Capacity of air that can be exhaled after taking the deepest breath possible
  8. 12. Membrane that warms & moistens air, traps small particles entering nasal cavity
  9. 13. Intercostal muscles between ribs helping to expand the rib cage during forceful inhalation
  10. 14. The trachea splits into right & left ____.
  11. 16. Intercostal muscles between ribs helping to contract the rib cage during forceful expiration
  12. 17. Emergency procedure putting a hole in the trachea so air can get to the lungs
  13. 21. Rapid and deep breathing
  14. 22. Protein in RBC's transporting oxygen & CO2
  15. 23. Secondary bronchi branch off into ______.
  1. 1. Movement of air in & out of the lungs
  2. 5. Air volume in lungs after forceful expiration
  3. 6. Tiny hairs in the nasal cavity that moves mucous & entrapped particles
  4. 8. Inhalation
  5. 10. Muscle under the lungs that contracts to cause the thoracic cavity to expand downward and air to rush into the lungs
  6. 15. Located between nasal cavity & larynx
  7. 18. Device measuring respiratory air volumes
  8. 19. Thin-walled tiny air sacs at the distal ends of the smallest respiratory tubes surrounded by capillaries where gas exchange occurs
  9. 20. The 2 nares (external openings) to nasal cavity