Respiratory System

  1. 2. voice box
  2. 5. very thin organs that allow you to breath
  3. 6. used to inhale and exhale
  4. 9. air we need to breathe and live
  5. 10. tiny air sacs in the lungs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
  6. 12. a flap of tissue that covers the trachea so you don't choke
  7. 14. a muscle at the bottom of the lungs that pushes air out
  1. 1. air we give off when we exhale
  2. 3. 2 branching tubes that are inside the lungs
  3. 4. breathing
  4. 7. a tube that carries air to and from the lungs
  5. 8. to breathe out carbon dioxide
  6. 11. where air or food goes into the body
  7. 13. breathe in oxygen