Respiratory System

  1. 3. Microscopic ducts that cap the lungs.
  2. 5. This lung has 3 lobes.
  3. 6. Benign growths in the sinus and nose (tear drop shaped) are called nasal ___.
  4. 7. Regular breathing.
  5. 9. High pitched sound upon inspiration, coming from the larynx.
  6. 11. The trachea is part of the ___ respiratory system.
  7. 14. A structure that closes off the trachea during swallowing so that food will go down the esophagus.
  8. 15. This portion of the respiratory system contains the larynx.
  9. 17. Another name for pharyngeal tonsils.
  10. 19. What coats the alveoli to prevent it from collapsing?
  11. 20. The trachea branches into left and right ___.
  1. 1. A patient who has deep vein thrombosis is likely to develop a pulmonary ___.
  2. 2. Parietal ___ is the lining inside of the ribcage.
  3. 4. This nerve is stimulated by the medulla oblongata to trigger breathing.
  4. 6. These sinuses are hollow cavities that are filled with air and increase the tone of speech.
  5. 8. The structure in which the pharyngeal tonsil is located in.
  6. 9. A ___ test is used to diagnose cystic fibrosis.
  7. 10. Dyspnea unless in an upright position.
  8. 12. When the diaphragm ___ air is moving into the lungs.
  9. 13. An acute, infectious viral disease of the respiratory tract.
  10. 16. This collects foreign particles that are inhaled, triggering the cough reflex
  11. 18. This tube connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx.