Respiratory System

  1. 1. Volume of air in and out of lungs in 1 breath
  2. 4. Air- filled cavity within a bone
  3. 6. Single cell thickness blood vessel
  4. 10. Keratinised surface of the nose
  5. 12. Prevents food from entering trachea
  6. 13. Number of lung lobes in the dog
  7. 14. Metabolism without oxygen
  8. 15. Artery that carries de-oxygenated blood
  1. 1. Made of C-shaped Hyaline cartilage
  2. 2. Sheet of muscle separating chest and abdomen
  3. 3. Makes up 79% of inspired air
  4. 5. Sac in lung where gaseous exchange takes place
  5. 7. Back of mouth shared by digestive and respiratory
  6. 8. Tube between pharynx and middle ear
  7. 9. Physical act of moving air in and out lungs
  8. 11. Another term for smell