Respiratory System

  1. 3. Takes up around 21% of the air that we breathe in.
  2. 5. In our exhaled air, there is more carbon dioxide and __________ vapour.
  3. 8. ____________ dioxide is removed from the blood at the lungs.
  4. 9. The function of the respiratory system is to allow ____________ exchange to take place between the body and surroundings.
  5. 10. The organ that allows air to move between the nose and the lungs.
  1. 1. Has tiny hairs to trap dust and dirt.
  2. 2. Each air sac is surrounded by blood _____________ for faster gaseous exchange.
  3. 4. The amount of _____________ gas is the same in inhaled air and exhaled air.
  4. 6. sacs The tiny structures in the lungs that increase its exposed surface area for faster gaseous exchange.
  5. 7. The exhaled air is warmer, more __________ and cleaner.