Respiratory System

  1. 3. air sacs that are incredibly tine and are the location of gas exchange
  2. 4. windpipe-protected by rings of cartilage
  3. 5. large sheet of muscle at the base of the lungs/rib cage that is key to inhalation and exhalation
  4. 6. two pairs of thick bands at the top of the trachea that help make sounds, as they exhale
  5. 7. warm moist and clean the inhaled air using mucous and hair
  6. 9. two main branches of the trachea that lead to the lungs
  1. 1. smallest of air passageways leading to groups of alveoli
  2. 2. the process by which nutrients are broken down, in the presences of oxygen to release energy for ATP production
  3. 8. main organs of the respiratory system