Respiratory System

  1. 2. greatest impact on respiratory rate
  2. 3. collapsed lung
  3. 5. difference between airway and pleural pressure
  4. 8. mechanical force that drives ventilation
  5. 9. cause CO2 and H2O to form carbonic acid H2CO3
  6. 12. 80% of CO2 is moved through this
  7. 14. where Po2 is the highest
  8. 16. prevents choking
  9. 18. reads ph receptors
  1. 1. covers the entire thoracic cavity
  2. 2. drives ventilation
  3. 4. where primary bronchi and pulmonary vessels enter the lung
  4. 6. where Pco2 is the highest
  5. 7. respiratory group that set breathing rhythm like SA node in cardiac system
  6. 9. where filtering,warming, and humidifying occur
  7. 10. always equilibrates to atmospheric pressure
  8. 11. his law states, the more compressed a gas, the higher the pressure
  9. 13. majority of O2 is moved through it
  10. 15. respiration that occurs between alveoli and capillaries
  11. 17. respiration that occurs at tissue level