Respiratory System

  1. 4. Low blood iron results in this condition that may leave you feeling tired.
  2. 5. This mean to add moisture to the air.
  3. 6. The sensation of smell is known as_____.
  4. 11. Also known as the voice box
  5. 13. Noises heard in the lungs are called __________________.
  6. 15. Groups of neurons that are specialized to respond to blood pressure changes are called ______________________.
  7. 19. An increased thoracic pressure results in ___________.
  8. 21. The term used to describe rapid breathing.
  9. 22. Inspiration occurs as the movement of the chest and diaphragm result in a ____________ thoracic pressure.
  10. 26. One of the 4 possible causes of pneumonia.
  11. 31. Another name for the common cold.
  12. 32. The exchange of gases between the alveoli and the blood of the lungs.
  13. 33. Another name for the nostrils is the ___________.
  14. 34. Type II pneumocytes produce this substance.
  15. 36. Hemoglobin has the highest affinity for this gas.
  16. 38. This disease results from ruptured alveoli, resulting in a decrased surface area for external gas exhange.
  17. 41. Normal, quiet breathing in known as_________.
  18. 42. 90% of the alveolar cells are ____________ pneumocytes.
  19. 43. As this increases the hemoglobin molecules can carry more oxygen.
  20. 44. The movement of gases between the lungs and the tissues of the body is referred to as ______ _______________.
  21. 45. Gases move between the lungs and the blood or the blood and the tissues of the body because of _____________.
  22. 46. The respiratory system uses this substance to trap particles, cells and debris that wind up in the bronchial tubes.
  23. 47. 1.5% of the oxygen travels as a _____________ gas in your blood.
  24. 50. The wind pipe.
  1. 1. The common opening for the digestive and respiratory system is the ______________.
  2. 2. The site of gas exchange.
  3. 3. These structures, which are located on cells, sweep debris and foreign material out of the respirtory tract.
  4. 5. The molecule that carries most of the oxygen to the body tissues.
  5. 7. The exchange of gases between the blood and the tissue cells of the body.
  6. 8. Located superior to the soft palate and the adenoids are found here.
  7. 9. ______ ________________ only 25% of your available oxygen will enter your tissue cells.
  8. 10. This nerve helps to control the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles.
  9. 12. This type of blood returns to your lungs after internal respiration has occurred.
  10. 14. _____________ of the smooth muscle of the bronchial tubes may result in an asthma attack.
  11. 16. The nose, nasal cavity and pharynx are all part of the __________ respiratory tract.
  12. 17. Smallest tubes of the tracheobronchial tree.
  13. 18. The most common infectious cause of death in the U.S.
  14. 20. Groups of neurons that are specialized to respond to, "read", the chemical levels of your body.
  15. 23. Also known as breathing.
  16. 24. System of the body that is responsible for the exchange of gases btween the environment and living cells.
  17. 25. Painful or difficult breathing is called ______________.
  18. 26. This neural center of the brain helps to smooth out the basic breathing rate.
  19. 27. A common passage for air, food, and drink, also the location of the lingual tonsils.
  20. 28. Percent of carbon dioxide that is carried by the hemoglobin molecule.
  21. 29. The larynx, trachea, lungs, and _________ are all part of the lower respiratory tract.
  22. 30. Carbon dioxide will be converted to this in red blood cells.
  23. 35. The cartilage that are located in the trachea are described as____________.
  24. 37. The measure of how much force is required to fill and empty the lungs.
  25. 39. The technical name for a collasped lung.
  26. 40. The Hering-Breuer reflexes are design to respond to signals from the ___________ receptors of the lungs.
  27. 46. This neural center of the brain sets the basic rhythm of breathing.
  28. 48. The element that oxygen binds to in the hemglobin molecule.
  29. 49. The right lung has _______ lobes.