Respiratory System
- 1. Residual volume plus vital capacity.
- 4. The word for when you breath in.
- 7. Only 20% of this gas is carried by the Haemoglobin
- 9. This part of the body controls your breathing.
- 12. The amount of that can be breathed out after max inspiration.
- 13. Total Lung Capacity minus Vital Capacity.
- 15. Oxygen comes from the Alveoli and diffuses into this part.
- 17. Air branches into a left and right one of these.
- 18. The Bronchi divide into smaller ___________.
- 20. Air travels from the nose/mouth to the _____________.
- 2. The part where the exchange of gases takes place.
- 3. This increases from 15 to 40-50 during exercise.
- 5. The process from which different gases enter or exit the body.
- 6. The muscle that relaxes to lower the sternum and thorax.
- 8. The word for when you breath out.
- 10. This muscle relaxes into a dome shape after expiration.
- 11. The amount of air breathed in and out after each intake of air.
- 14. Gaseous exchange occurs due to the differences in _____________.
- 16. The fourth place where air travels (starting from nose/mouth).
- 19. An increase of this gas is required during exercise.