Respiratory system

  1. 3. Located just below the larynx, the main airway to the lungs.
  2. 5. These air-filled spaces along side the nose help make the skull lighter
  3. 7. is the main respiratory muscle that contracts and relaxes to allow air into the lungs
  4. 9. cancer often associated with smoking, but the disease can affect nonsmokers as well.
  1. 1. is essential to human speech.
  2. 2. a sticky fluid that collects dust, germs and other matter that has invaded the lungs and is what we expel when we sneeze and cough
  3. 4. is a chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath
  4. 6. sometimes called chronic bronchitis or emphysema, is a chronic and progressive disease where the air flow in and out of the lungs decreases
  5. 8. Both food and air pass through t before reaching their appropriate destinations. also plays a role in speech.