Respiratory system

  1. 3. Airways in the lungs that lead from the bronchi to the alveoli.
  2. 6. Tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of gases between air and blood
  3. 8. throat; passageway for food to the esophagus and air to the larynx
  4. 9. An inflammation of lung tissue, wherer the alveoli in the affected areas fill w/fluid
  1. 1. Two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage, responsible for respiration
  2. 2. Ttwo short branches located at the lower end of the trachea that carry air into the lungs.
  3. 4. cancer pulmonary malignancy commonly attributed to cigarette smoking
  4. 5. A system of organs, functioning in the process of gas exchange between the body and the environment, consisting especially of the nose, nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
  5. 7. Voice box; passageway for air moving from pharynx to trachea; contains vocal cords
  6. 10. A chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing.