  1. 2. encloses the heart, esophagus trachea and thymus gland
  2. 8. roof of the mouth/ partition between the oral and nasal cavities
  3. 10. abnormal dilation of the bronchi with accumulation of mucus
  4. 12. excessive movement of air in and out of lungs. causes hypo capnia
  5. 13. inflammation of pleura
  6. 15. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ combination of bronchitis and emphysema
  7. 17. subdivisions of the lungs with two on the left and three on the right
  8. 22. deficient amount of oxygen in tissue cells
  9. 23. carbon dioxide
  10. 25. thin-walled, microscopic air sacs that exchange gases
  11. 26. windpipe
  12. 29. peak flow
  13. 31. breathing
  14. 32. chest
  15. 33. a lid-like structure that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway
  16. 35. collapse of lung tissue
  1. 1. bluish coloration of the skin caused by a deficient amount of oxygen in the blood
  2. 3. normal breathing
  3. 4. cartilaginous ridge at the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi
  4. 5. voice box
  5. 6. larynx
  6. 7. two spongy organs in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage
  7. 9. vital capacity
  8. 11. coughing up and spitting out of material from lungs
  9. 14. upper respiratory infection
  10. 16. hoarseness
  11. 18. blood in the pleural cavity
  12. 19. diaphragm
  13. 20. throat
  14. 21. popping lungs sounds heard when air enters diseased airways
  15. 24. constriction of bronchi caused by spasm of the peribronchial smooth muscle
  16. 27. puncture for aspiration of the chest
  17. 28. air in the pleural cavity
  18. 30. oval lymphatic tissues that filter air to protect the body from bacterial invasion
  19. 34. pulmonary embolism/ occlusion in the pulmonary circulation most often caused by a blood cloth