Respiratory System

  1. 1. The amount of exhaled air when taking a deep breath
  2. 3. This lung is composed of three lobes
  3. 5. contains no blood vessels and vibrate to produce sound
  4. 6. provides oxygen to the body to produce ATP
  5. 7. A bunch of alveoli put together
  6. 8. the outermost covering of the lungs that keeps the structure in place
  7. 9. Allows for voice production and the passageway of air
  8. 10. Allows for both food and air; divides the esophagus and trachea; composed of stratified squamous w/o keratin epithelium
  9. 11. small bronchioles that lead to the alveoli
  10. 13. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and capillary bed
  11. 16. The area of the lungs where gas exchange takes place
  12. 17. Allows for both food and air to enter the body; composed of stratified squamous w/o keratin epithelium
  13. 18. the outer covering of the lung wall
  14. 19. The amount of air left in the lungs after maximum exhalation
  15. 21. the first division of the trachea
  16. 23. Receives both pulmonary and systemic blood flow
  17. 27. A flexible windpipe that leads to lungs
  18. 29. This structure connects the respiratory bronchiole to the alveolar sac
  19. 30. air passageway; secretes mucous; composed of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
  20. 31. first structure hair hits as it enters the nasal passageway
  21. 32. Small bronchioles leading to the respiratory bronchioles
  1. 2. the amount of air taken in when taking a deep breath
  2. 4. produce no sound and contains no blood vessels; believed to be for protection and muscle attachment
  3. 5. The first division occurring after the secondary bronchi
  4. 12. This lung is composed of two lobes
  5. 14. skeletal muscles that pulls down to fill the lings with air
  6. 15. The total amount of air moved per breath when breathing normally
  7. 20. Covers the larynx when swallowing food to prevent entrance into airways
  8. 22. Has contact with the alveoli epithelium for gas exchange
  9. 24. increases surface area to filter air in the nasal passageway
  10. 25. first subdivision of the primary bronchi
  11. 26. A cavity between the visceral and parietal pleura
  12. 28. the total amount inspiratory/expiratory reserve volume and tidal volume put together