respiratory system

  1. 3.  Infection and inflammation of the alveoli
  2. 6.  Opening into the trachea to create an artificial airway to relieve respiratory obstruction that had occurred above the point
  3. 7.  Inhalation of foreign object into the airway
  4. 9. atresia  Congenital obstruction of the posterior nares by an obstruction membrane or bony growth, preventing a newborn from drawing air though the nose and down into the nasopahrynx
  5. 10.  Caused by stimulation of the nerves of the respiratory tract mucosa by the presence of dust, chemicals, mucus, or inflammation
  6. 11. of Fingers  Change in the angle between the fingernail and the nailbed because of increased capillary growth in the fingertips
  7. 12.  Nosebleed
  1. 1.  Presence of atmospheric air in the pleural space which causes the alveoli to collapse
  2. 2.  Collapse of the lung alveoli
  3. 4.  Most common chronic illness in children
  4. 5.  Introduction of radiopaque solution in the respiratory tract through USN or catheter before an X-ray study is performed
  5. 8.  Nonrigid part of the chest draws inward because of decreased intrapleural pressure
  6. 9.  Inflammation of the larynx, trachea and major bronchi