respiratory system

  1. 5. Tiny hairlike structures in the airway. that
  2. 6. A 5-inch log tube that alowes are to leave and enter your lungs.
  3. 8. Brings oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out.
  4. 9. The voice box.
  5. 10. a muscle below the lungs that when it contracts air moves into the lungs
  1. 1. A possibly chronic illness that inflames the airways making it hard to breathe.
  2. 2. When somethings gets red, hot, and swells.
  3. 3. Each time it expands and contracts gases leave and enter the body.
  4. 4. A condition that swells the airways making it hard to breathe.
  5. 7. Two tubes that lead off of the trachia into the lungs.