respiratory system

  1. 2. to draw air into and expel it from the lungs
  2. 4. a slippery thick sticky substance that coats the nasal passage
  3. 7. a stiff-walled tube of the respiratory system that connects the pharynx with the lungs
  4. 9. bag like organs used for breathing
  5. 10. progressively smaller tubular branches of the airways.
  1. 1. a flap of cartilage behind the root of the tongue
  2. 3. the process that all living things go through to create the energy they need to live
  3. 5. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in humans
  4. 6. the large air tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs.
  5. 8. allow oxygen from the air to pass into your blood