Respiratory System

  1. 2. area behind nose where air is warmed, filtered, and moistened
  2. 4. gas need for cellular respiration
  3. 8. voice box
  4. 11. waste product given off in the gas exchange between air and blood in the alveoli
  5. 12. to breathe out
  6. 13. the two branches at bottom of trachea
  7. 14. main respiratory organs that take in & release air
  1. 1. made in all our cells using oxygen & food
  2. 3. tiny air sacs (there are 300 million in each lung)
  3. 5. prevents food from entering the trachea
  4. 6. aka windpipe
  5. 7. to breathe in
  6. 9. also known as the throat
  7. 10. strong flat muscle that pulls/pushes air in/out of lungs