respiratory system

  1. 2. any of the tiny blood vessels connecting the small arteries and veins
  2. 6. voice box
  3. 9. receives deoxygenated blood from the lungs
  4. 11. carry poor oxygenated blood back to the heart
  5. 12. receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
  1. 1. at the end of each bronchiole
  2. 3. windpipe
  3. 4. receives blood from the (left or right) atrium
  4. 5. throat
  5. 7. while in the lungs branch into smaller and smaller tubes
  6. 8. a big flat muscle at the bottom of your chest cavity that helps with breathing
  7. 10. pumps blood to the lungs first back to the heart and then around the body