Respiratory System

  1. 4. smaller tubes inside of the lungs that branch off of the bronchi
  2. 7. tubes inside of the lungs
  3. 9. breathing apparatus
  4. 11. small flap in the back of the throat that covers the opening to the trachea when eating
  5. 12. air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange happens
  6. 14. the muscle that helps us breathe
  7. 15. tiny blood vessels that move oxygen and nutrients through the blood stream
  8. 16. the part
  9. 20. act of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  10. 21. what the sinuses, nose, and throat do to air
  11. 22. produced in sinuses to help moisten the air
  12. 23. occurs in the lungs
  13. 25. scientific name for the throat
  1. 1. the gas we need to live; we breathe it in
  2. 2. what we exhale
  3. 3. breathing and eating apparatus
  4. 5. blood vessels that carry de-oxygenated blood
  5. 6. the type of blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood
  6. 8. what carries the oxygen to all parts of the body
  7. 10. sinuses in the head behind and around the nose that are used to filter, moisten, and warm the air as well as lightening up the skull
  8. 13. voice box
  9. 17. what happens to gases you do not use
  10. 18. main respiratory organs
  11. 19. windpipe
  12. 24. little hair like appendages in the lungs