Respiratory System and Cardiovascular System

  1. 2. This is lined with a mucous membrane and fine hairs. It acts as a filter to moisten and warm entering air. (1)
  2. 4. Two spongelike organs in the thoracic cavity. (1)
  3. 6. The clear, straw-colored, liquid portion of blood in which cells are suspended. (1)
  4. 9. The two-layer sac surrounding the heart. (1)
  5. 10. Inflammation of the tonsils. (1)
  6. 12. The ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall. (1)
  7. 14. White blood cells that combat infection and respond to inflammation. (1)
  8. 16. A condition of a slow heart with a rate less than 60 beats per minute. (1)
  9. 18. The part of the body between the neck and the diaphragm encased by the ribs. The chest. (1)
  10. 21. Also called the voice box. This prevents the passage of food and other foreign particles into the lower respiratory tracts. (2)
  11. 23. The muscular partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. It aids in the breathing process by contracting and pulling air in, then relaxing and pushing air out. (1)
  12. 25. Inflammation of the bronchi. (1)
  13. 28. The largest artery in the body. (1)
  14. 29. Enlargement of the heart. (1)
  15. 30. They are at the back of your throat, one on each side. Part of the immune system and the first line of defense in the throat. (3)
  1. 1. Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. (1)
  2. 3. This fluid is circulated through the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins. It is composed of plasma and formed elements such as erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. (1)
  3. 4. Inflammation of the larynx. (1)
  4. 5. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. (1)
  5. 7. Also called the windpipe. This is the passageway for air to the bronchi from the larynx. (1)
  6. 8. Microscopic blood vessels that connect arterioles with venules. (1)
  7. 11. The clear, watery fluid portion of the blood that remains after a clot has formed. (1)
  8. 13. Serves as a food and air passageway. Also called the throat. (1)
  9. 15. Double-folded serous membrane covering each lung and lining the thoracic cavity. (1)
  10. 16. Visual examination of the bronchi. (1)
  11. 17. The radiographic image of a vein after an injection of contrast media. (1)
  12. 19. The radiographic imaging of blood vessels. (1)
  13. 20. A tumor composed of blood vessels. (1)
  14. 22. This is a flap of cartilage that automatically covers the opening of the larynx and keeps food from entering the larynx during swallowing. (1)
  15. 24. A measurement of breathing or air flow. (1)
  16. 26. The muscular cone-shaped organ the size of a fist located behind the sternum and between the lungs. (1)
  17. 27. Also called whooping cough. This is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. (1)