Respiratory System Crossword

  1. 3. Opening between the vocal cords in the larynx.
  2. 4. Smallest branches of the bronchi.
  3. 5. Passageway for air and food.
  4. 7. Flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the windpipe.
  5. 9. Major air passages that branch from the trachea.
  6. 14. Instrument used to measure the air capacity of the lungs.
  7. 15. Also known as the windpipe.
  8. 17. Maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inhalation.
  9. 19. Membrane surrounding the lungs.
  10. 20. Process of expelling air from the lungs.
  11. 21. Substance that traps and allows for the removal of microbes.
  12. 23. Contains the vocal cords.
  13. 25. Cells that secrete mucus in the respiratory tract.
  14. 29. Gas primarily exhaled by the lungs.
  15. 30. Muscles between the ribs that help form and move the chest wall.
  1. 1. Muscle that plays a key role in breathing.
  2. 2. Protein in red blood cells binding to oxygen.
  3. 6. Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs.
  4. 8. Air-filled spaces in the skull that help regulate the temperature and humidity of the air taken in.
  5. 10. Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues.
  6. 11. Process of taking air into the lungs.
  7. 12. Respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi.
  8. 13. Amount of air inhaled or exhaled during a normal breath.
  9. 16. Main external opening for the respiratory system.
  10. 18. Keeps the trachea from collapsing.
  11. 22. Small blood vessels surrounding alveoli.
  12. 24. System responsible for gas exchange.
  13. 26. The process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
  14. 27. Tiny hair-like structures that protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract.
  15. 28. Gas primarily absorbed by the lungs.