Respiratory System Crossword

  1. 3. The voice box
  2. 5. Tiny ducts that connect the respiratory bronchioles to alveolar sacs
  3. 6. Distribute air throughout the lungs
  4. 9. Law stating that the gases that contribute to the total pressure exerted is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases
  5. 11. Blood becomes saturated with carbon dioxide and roughly around 7% is absorbed by peripheral capillaries and is moved as dissolved gas molecules
  6. 16. Reflexes that are strong and cannot be consciously suppressed
  7. 19. to form right and left primary bronchi
  8. 21. Bind the nine cartilages to form the larynx
  9. 22. The pressure contributed by a single gas within a mixture of gases
  10. 23. Responds to excessive stretching of the lung during large inspirations in order to help prevent over-inflation of the lung
  11. 25. When the alveoli of the lungs aren’t able to get a sufficient amount of oxygen
  12. 26. Branches out into secondary bronchi and tertiary bronchi which extend into bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli
  13. 27. Contains superior, inferior, and middle lobe
  14. 28. Evaporates water in the mucus, and heats air to body temperature
  15. 30. An increase amount of air entering the alveoli
  1. 1. Extends between soft palate and the base of tongue at around the hyoid bone
  2. 2. Tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange
  3. 4. Lies between hyoid bone and entrance to larynx and esophagus
  4. 7. Connects to posterior portion of nasal cavity through internal nares and separated from oral cavity by soft palate
  5. 8. Law stating that the pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature
  6. 10. Only contains superior and inferior lobes
  7. 12. Makes sure that the body’s alveoli are sufficiently supplied with oxygen and aids in the removal of carbon dioxide that is found in the bloodstream
  8. 13. Separates oral and nasal cavities with portions of maxillary and palatine bones or helps divide nasopharynx and rest of the pharynx
  9. 14. Helps to maintain blood pressure at nearly constant levels
  10. 15. Protect airways of our lungs from irritants and remove inhaled substances that are potentially harmful to the lungs and airways
  11. 17. When one hemoglobin molecule can bind four oxygen molecules which result in the formation of oxyhemoglobin.
  12. 18. Nostrils that open to nasal cavity
  13. 20. Attaches the thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone and cricoid cartilage to trachea
  14. 24. Has superior, middle, and inferior conchae that project towards nasal septum
  15. 29. The main passageway into the lungs