Respiratory System & Exchange of Gases

  1. 2. Covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity
  2. 3. The organ that is used for the exchange of gases
  3. 10. Inflimation of the bronchioles linnning
  4. 11. Seal off the windpipe during eating, so that you don't inhale the food
  5. 12. warms, moistens, and filters the air as it's inhaled
  6. 13. Its the passageway for air, it eventually leads to the tracha
  7. 14. Skelatal muscle of respiration
  8. 18. The mouvement of the ribs when breathing
  9. 19. The maximum amount of air expeled from the lungs
  10. 20. Organ of gas exchange
  1. 1. Takes oxygen to the bloodstream and takes carbon dioxide out
  2. 4. When the alveoli deteriorates, causing the lungs to lose elasticity
  3. 5. At the end of the trachea there are 2 branches that lead to a lung
  4. 6. an inhalation
  5. 7. It keeps the windpipe open and is lined with cilia that filters air before lung arrival
  6. 8. Passageway for air and food
  7. 9. Allergic reaction characterized by the construction of bronchioles
  8. 10. A network of smaller branches that lead from the bronchi into the lung tissue and later on the air sacs
  9. 15. When the alveoli is filled with fluid preventing exchange of gas
  10. 16. The amount of air that never leaves your lungs
  11. 17. The voice box, where the vocal chords are held