Respiratory System I

  1. 3. Process including normal exhalation; no muscular contraction is required
  2. 4. The bronchial tree begins at the trachea and ends at theses set of brochioles
  3. 6. Consisted of two or more alveoli that share a common opening
  4. 9. Simple squamous epithelium are the cells that make up the wall of the
  5. 11. Exchange of O2 and CO2 happen across this membrane;alveolar and capillary walls
  6. 12. The deepest layer of serous membrane that covers the lungs
  7. 13. First step of inhalation does this to the diaphragm and external intercostals
  8. 15. Diversion of pulmonary blood from poorly ventilated areas of lung, blood vessels response
  9. 18. These intercostals are only used during forced exhalation;depletion of the body's ATP
  10. 19. lowers alveolar surface tension
  1. 1. Refers to how much effort is required to stretch the lungs and chest wall
  2. 2. When the alveolar pressure is this then atmospheric pressure, air moves into the lungs
  3. 5. Process of respiration in which pulmonary capillary blood gains O2 and loses CO2
  4. 7. Signals from this division of the autonomic nervous system cause bronchiodialation and decreased resistance
  5. 8. Set of nerves responsible for innervating the diaphragm and causing 75% of the body's air to enter the lungs
  6. 9. The collapse of part of a lung, or rarely, the entire lung
  7. 10. Double layered membrane that surrounds and protects each lung is called
  8. 14. The right lung has this fissure but the left lung does not
  9. 16. A breathing disorder in preemies in which the alveoli do not remain open due to a lack of surfactant
  10. 17. Larger diameter airways have this resistance
  11. 20. Exhalation starts when the external intercostals do this