Respiratory System Review

  1. 2. does a body good
  2. 4. breathing control stems from here
  3. 6. serous membrane of the lungs (2)
  4. 12. Protein in red blood cell
  5. 14. these prevent collapse of trachea
  6. 16. human location of “The Voice”
  7. 17. normal breathing (2)
  8. 20. gas exchange with atmosphere
  9. 21. cartilage lung tunnel
  10. 22. connection between alveoli and bronchi
  11. 23. when the rib cage contracts
  1. 1. Tissue type in larynx and trachea
  2. 3. hairy filterers
  3. 4. first stop after trachea
  4. 5. contracts and relaxes during breathing
  5. 7. covering the pharynx during swallowing
  6. 8. Home for the heart in the lungs
  7. 9. job of alveoli, not the system (2)
  8. 10. in the driver’s seat of gas exchange (2)
  9. 11. largest volume of breath (2)
  10. 13. the form of CO2 in blood
  11. 15. these are surrounded by capillaries
  12. 18. highest member of the lower respiratory tract
  13. 19. “Hey nose, let’s meet in the _____”