Respiratory System Study Guide

  1. 3. Reserve Volume - forceful inhale
  2. 4. Pressure - acts like a suction to keep the lungs inflated
  3. 6. - Branches from Bronchi and works with gas exchange
  4. 7. Zone - gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  5. 8. - diaphragm returns to its original position and the muscles relax, thoracic and lung volumes decrease and pressures increase pushing air out of the lungs
  6. 10. Volume - space / air that remains in the lungs
  7. 13. - Voice box, vocal cords, separates food, water, and air to go down the right tube
  8. 14. - contracts and relaxes to help the lungs with inspiration and expiration
  9. 16. Zone - moves, cleans, regulates temperature, and humidifies air as it enters the system
  10. 18. - the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles contract, expanding the thoracic cavity and the lungs
  11. 19. Capacity - how much air you breathe, max
  1. 1. Reserve Volume - forceful exhale
  2. 2. - Closes with the larynx to stop food from going down the trachea
  3. 5. - Air passage with cartilage that protects it from collapsing
  4. 6. - the process of air flowing in and out of the lungs during inspiration and expiration
  5. 9. - Part of the throat that is shared by the respiratory and digestive system
  6. 11. - Little balloons that inflate and deflate with capillaries surrounding them for gas exchange
  7. 12. - The branch like area where the trachea splits in the lungs
  8. 15. Volume - basic breathing patterns
  9. 17. Lung Capacity - the most amount of air that can be used, not all is used