Respiratory System Terms

  1. 2. air filled within the lungs where all gas exchanges between air and blood occur
  2. 4. connects nasal cavitiy to nasopharynx always open, nasal part (upper most) of pharynx
  3. 8. connects nose and mouth to lungs, tube like
  4. 9. the nostrils
  5. 15. nasal cavity, sinuses pharynx. Filter warm and humid air
  6. 17. air passageway
  7. 18. forms the floor of the nasal cavitiy and seperates it from the oral cavitiy
  1. 1. the presence of air or gas in a pleural cavity
  2. 3. larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli, bronchioles
  3. 5. open into the nasal cavitiy
  4. 6. supply oxygen to blood, where oxygen is sent too
  5. 7. "voice box"; in the neck and makes speech
  6. 10. skeletal muscle that extends across the bottom of the rib cage; seperates thoracic from abdominal cavity
  7. 11. extends between the internal nares and entrances to the larynx
  8. 12. tongue, contains taste buds
  9. 13. extends posterior to hard palate. marks boundary between the superior nasal pharynx and rest of pharynx
  10. 14. first passageway air passes through; in nose
  11. 16. covering that protects and cushions the lungs