Respiratory System Vocab

  1. 4. Not enough air
  2. 8. The junction where blood interacts with the alveoli sacs to exchange gas
  3. 11. The smallest divisions of the lung to the naked eye
  4. 13. Breathing out
  5. 14. The cartillage between nostrils
  6. 16. Breathing in
  7. 17. The flap that covers the trachea when swallowing
  8. 19. The smallest type of airway that leads into alveoli
  9. 20. Large airways that lead from the trachea to the lungs
  10. 22. Lines the moist areas of your body; part of the immune system
  11. 25. The organ containing the voicebox
  12. 27. The section of thyroid cartilage that protrudes from the larynx, especially prominentin males
  13. 28. Suffication
  14. 29. Molecule responsible for carrying Oxygen
  15. 30. The squishy part of the roof of your mouth
  1. 1. The structure that causes crying to make your nose stuffy
  2. 2. The small air sacs where gas exchange occurs
  3. 3. A protein present in mucous; important for breaking things down
  4. 5. The mass of tissue located at the back of the throat; visible when opening the mouth
  5. 6. The main breathing muscle located inferior to the lungs
  6. 7. A type of nervous receptor that detects change in blood pressure
  7. 9. The area between the lungs
  8. 10. The passage of fluid to organs from the circulatory or lymphatic system
  9. 12. Part of the brain that sends involuntary singals to breathe
  10. 15. Shortness of breathe
  11. 18. The enter/exit point for many structures in the lung
  12. 21. A temporary stop in breathing; common in sleep
  13. 23. The cavity behind the mouth and nasal cavity that connect them to the esophagus
  14. 24. The membrane lining the lungs
  15. 26. A device that measures the rate of respiration