Respiratory System Vocab Crossword

  1. 2. the small amount of carbon dioxide that is carried by hemoglobin molecules that have already released their oxygen into the tissues
  2. 4. region formed by nasal mucosa at the roof of the nasal cavity
  3. 6. set of muscles where inspiration occurs
  4. 9. swollen pharyngeal tonsil
  5. 10. the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  6. 11. divides the nasal cavity medially
  7. 13. the portion of the brain that is the main area for respiratory muscle control
  8. 16. rigid tube that the larynx opens into
  9. 18. inflammation of the bronchial tree
  10. 19. the complex that is made when oxygen is bound to hemoglobin
  11. 21. the region at the back of the mouth where the nasal cavities and mouth meet
  12. 24. largest volume of air that can be exchanged in the lungs
  13. 26. deep and rapid breathing
  14. 27. what each lobe of the lung is further divided into
  15. 31. inflammation of the mucosal membranes
  16. 33. area between the visceral and parietal pleura
  17. 34. part of the pharynx that is behind the nasal cavities and above the soft palate
  18. 35. network within the lungs that is formed from the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
  19. 36. a phenomenon in which there is a rush of chloride ions into RBCs
  20. 42. remaining volume of air when a person forces air out of their lungs so only about 1000mL remains
  21. 44. another name for the pharynx
  22. 47. nasal cavity openings that extend into the bones of the skull
  23. 49. determined by the length of the vocal cords
  24. 52. dome shaped respiratory muscle that helps increase and decrease the volume of the thorax
  25. 53. the air volume that enters and leaves the lungs under resting/normal conditions
  26. 54. the catalyst to the reaction that forms carbonic acid
  27. 55. allergies in the nasal chambers
  28. 56. the area of the control center that regulates the rate of breathing
  29. 57. the activity of these skeletal muscles generate the pressure changes in the lungs
  1. 1. folds of heavy membranous tissues that project from the lateral walls of the larynx
  2. 3. area that separates the lungs with a median wall and the area containing the heart and thoracic organs
  3. 5. the smallest air passageways; extend into the alveoli
  4. 7. when contraction occurs in the external intercostal muscles
  5. 8. inflammation of the palatine tonsils
  6. 12. the pair of auditory tubes that open from the middle ear into the lateral walls of the nasopharynx
  7. 14. outer layer of the pleura
  8. 15. mass of lymphatic tissue located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx
  9. 17. what the trachea branches into
  10. 20. bony extensions that divide the nasal cavity into passageways; there are 3 types
  11. 22. part of the pharynx that is located immediately before the larynx
  12. 23. cartilage that functions to seal off the respiratory tract when food or liquids are in the esophagus; also called epiglottic cartilage
  13. 25. the opening to the larynx
  14. 28. the cartilaginous structure that connects the pharynx and trachea
  15. 29. the normal route by which air enters the respiratory system
  16. 30. inner layer of the pleura
  17. 32. oval shaped masses of lymphatic tissue on the pharynx behind the mouth
  18. 35. the remaining ~70-75% of carbon dioxide that is carried in the blood
  19. 37. cartilage that resembles a signet ring; connects the larynx and the trachea
  20. 38. process in which the respiratory muscles undergo relaxation
  21. 39. the two-layer membrance that surrounds each lung
  22. 40. cartilage visible in the ventral aspect of the throat; largest cartilage
  23. 41. the main vein that goes back into the heart; vein formed from pulmonary veins joining together
  24. 43. a condition that affects the bronchial tree that consists of difficultly breathing and/or periodic attacks of wheezing
  25. 45. structure composed entirely of smooth muscle that is supported by CT
  26. 46. internal portion of the nose
  27. 48. portion of the pharynx where the digestive and respiratory passageways meet one another
  28. 50. external openings of the nose (also called external nares)
  29. 51. clusters of microscopic air sacs at the end of the smallest branches