Respiratory System

  1. 4. muscle/several groups of muscle that run between the ribs, and help form and move the chest wall
  2. 6. a bluish color of the skin or mucus membrane
  3. 8. paroxyshal noctural dyspnea
  4. 11. inflammation of tissue that covers trachea
  5. 12. suspension of external breathing
  6. 14. relieving and preventing the suffering of patients
  7. 18. total or partial collapse of the lung
  8. 20. metered-dose-inhaler
  9. 21. left lower lobe
  1. 1. difficult or labored breathing; shortness of breath
  2. 2. dyspnea on exertion
  3. 3. collection of air or gas in the chest or pleural space that causes part or all of a lung to collapse
  4. 5. shortness of breath
  5. 7. a respiratory ailment in which the sufferer can breath only when standing upright
  6. 9. surgical repair of the nose
  7. 10. spitting up blood or blood tinged sputum from the respiratory tract
  8. 13. muscle separating chest and abdomen
  9. 15. a smaller angular cavity or pit
  10. 16. inflammation of the larynx
  11. 17. a pleural effusion containing blood
  12. 19. very rapid respiration