Respiratory System

  1. 1. gas that passes into the blood stream at the lungs and travels to all body cells
  2. 5. infection of the nose
  3. 9. voice box
  4. 10. structure hanging over the entrance to the larynx
  5. 12. plastic repair of the trachea
  6. 15. collection of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx
  7. 16. nose job
  8. 18. x-ray of the bronchiloes
  9. 20. hollow space pertaining to the nose
  10. 21. infection of the tonsil
  11. 23. an instrument for examining the of a hollow viscus
  1. 2. opening to the larynx
  2. 3. throat
  3. 4. muscle separating the chest and abdomen
  4. 6. smallest branches of the bronchi
  5. 7. infection of the windpipe
  6. 8. incision of the nasal septum
  7. 11. wheezing due to spasmodic contraction of the bronchi
  8. 12. bacterial infection that can spread through the lymph nodes & blood stream to any organ in your body
  9. 13. infection of the throat/sore throat
  10. 14. division of the lung
  11. 17. windpipe
  12. 19. runny nose
  13. 22. double-folded membrane surrounding each lung
  14. 24. little hairs that move "stuff"