Respiratory System

  1. 3. NMT stands for ___________ mist treatment
  2. 4. If you’re experiencing respiratory distress your doctor may order a ______ function test
  3. 5. study of the lungs and respiratory tract
  4. 7. COPD is an example of a RD, also known as what sort of disease?
  5. 9. a condition in which the pharynx has lost muscle function
  6. 12. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may be treated with a machine that generates continuous ______ airway pressure.
  7. 13. the abbreviation for this life sustaining element is O2
  8. 14. gas exchange between the body and the outside environment refers to what type of respiration
  9. 15. this term refers to a condition in which lung tissues collapse or incompletely expand, inhibiting respiratory exchange
  10. 17. an asthmatic patient might have this problem in which inflammation of the bronchioles blocks the passage of air to the lungs
  11. 20. an infection of the lungs resulting in inflammation, also known as a pneumonia, might cause this condition in which pus accumulates in the chest (pleural) cavity
  12. 22. this term refers to the surgical puncture of a lung for the removal of fluid or aspiration
  13. 23. the medical prefix meaning slow
  14. 25. a procedure in which the adenoids are surgically removed
  15. 28. the medical term for a nosebleed
  16. 29. someone having a heart attack might experience this condition in which pain is felt in the chest
  17. 30. pertaining to the nose
  18. 31. this condition causes hoarseness or a raspy voice and involves inflammation of the “voice-box”
  19. 33. a procedure in which an incision is made in the trachea in order to form and opening or “mouth” in the trachea
  20. 35. pertaining to the sites of gas exchange in lungs, also known as the “alveoli”
  21. 36. pertaining to area surrounding the tonsils
  22. 37. commonly known as “whooping cough” this infectious disease can be prevented with the DPT vaccine.
  23. 39. this term refers to inflammation of nasal passages along with rhinorrhea
  24. 40. the medical term for “voice box”
  25. 41. pleural _____ refers to a condition in which fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity and may be treated with a thoracentesis.
  26. 42. aerohydrotherapy refers to therapy that uses water and what other element?
  27. 43. this part of the respiratory tract, commonly referred to as the “throat” is situated between the mouth and the esophagus
  28. 44. this term refers to a bluish discoloration of the skin
  1. 1. temporary cessation of breathing
  2. 2. someone with lung cancer might have to undergo this procedure in which all or part of a lung is removed
  3. 5. this disease is caused by long term exposure to coal dust and is commonly referred to as “black lung”
  4. 6. medical suffix meaning “oxygen”
  5. 8. cystic fibrosis (CF) is a ______ disease of exocrine glands in which excess mucus doesn’t drain properly, resulting in obstruction of various passageways in the body.
  6. 10. this condition has two forms, an acute form and a classic form, both are potentially life threatening respiratory infections in which the epiglottis becomes inflamed.
  7. 11. a chondroma is a tumor (or tumor like growth) of what type of tissue?
  8. 16. chewing gum, smoking, drinking carbonated beverages or eating too fast may cause this condition in which excessive air is swallowed
  9. 18. an asthmatic person might use an inhaler in order to facilitate this action in which the bronchi become dilated, allowing for the passage of air into the lungs
  10. 19. the medical prefix meaning rapid
  11. 21. someone with cyanosis is experiencing this condition in which there is an abnormally low level of oxygen at the cellular level
  12. 24. ARDS is characterized by an abnormally low level of oxygen, also known as _________.
  13. 26. a runny nose or discharge from the nose
  14. 27. this condition produces inflammation and infection of the alveoli
  15. 28. this term refers to pus in a body cavity, specifically in the pleural cavity of the lungs
  16. 32. nasal congestion may cause this condition in which the sense of smell is lost or impaired
  17. 34. this part of the respiratory tract, commonly referred to as the “windpipe” connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs
  18. 36. COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive _______ Disease
  19. 38. nasogastric intubation involves the insertion of a tube through the nose all the way down into what organ?
  20. 39. This condition is an example of an acute respiratory syndrome that often occurs in children and infants. Symptoms include a barking cough and stridor.