Respiratory system

  1. 4. edema swelling or fluid in the lungs
  2. 6. upper respiratory infection
  3. 8. lung specialist or lung doctor
  4. 9. air accumulates in the pleural cavity, between the layers of the pleura
  5. 10. intubation placement of a tube into the pharynx, larynx, and trachea to establish an airway
  6. 12. instrument used to look at the larynx; also used to help with endotracheal intubation
  7. 13. fast breathing
  8. 14. chest
  9. 15. inflammation of the throat
  10. 18. o pharynx; throat
  11. 19. to cough up and spit out material from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  12. 22. effusion effusion is escape of fluid from the blood vessels or lymphatics into a cavity. In this case, between the layers of the pleura
  13. 25. not breathing; without breathing
  14. 27. cutting into the chest
  15. 28. breathing
  16. 31. tissues have a decreased amount of oxygen
  17. 32. chest x-ray
  1. 1. matter ejected from the trachea, bronchi, and lungs through the mouth
  2. 2. voice
  3. 3. infection (pus)/inflammation in the alveoli
  4. 5. have to breath sitting up or standing
  5. 7. to the bronchi with fiberoptic scope
  6. 8. surgical removal of a lung
  7. 11. too much CO2
  8. 16. normal breathing
  9. 17. difficulty breathing
  10. 20. cutting into the trachea
  11. 21. "difficult voice"; hoarseness
  12. 23. inflammation of the larynx
  13. 24. absence of oxygen to tissues
  14. 26. inflammation of the bronchi
  15. 29. chest
  16. 30. shortness of breath