Respiratory System

  1. 2. When breathing air is warmed and moistened in the __________.
  2. 4. The flat muscle that separates the chest cavity and helps you breathe.
  3. 5. The flap of cartilage at the back of the tongue that stops food and drink going into the respiratory tract.
  4. 6. The word that means breathing in.
  5. 8. The waste product the body breathes out in respiration.
  6. 10. The muscles that are between the ribs that help you breathe.
  7. 13. The common problem that is caused when your diaphragm is irritated which causes the glottis to snap shut.
  8. 14. The organ that connects the larynx to the bronchi.
  9. 15. The tube that connects the mouth and nostrils to the larynx and oesophagus.
  10. 16. The important element in air that we need to live.
  11. 18. The little air sacs in the lungs.
  1. 1. The tubes leading to each lung.
  2. 3. Green plants make food through _____________________, in their leaves and release oxygen in the process.
  3. 7. The walls of the trachea are made from rings of _________________.
  4. 9. The major respiratory organ in the rib cage which expand and contract when breathing.
  5. 11. The word used to describe breathing out.
  6. 12. The part of the respiratory system otherwise known as the voice box.
  7. 17. How air comes in and out. Also part of the digestive system.