Respiratory System!

  1. 3. Tissue that covers the outside of the lungs
  2. 4. How elastic the lungs can be
  3. 6. Expiratory + tidal + residual volumes
  4. 8. One way air can enter the body (2 words)
  5. 11. strong muscle that signifies the bottom of the thoracic cavity
  6. 13. Voice box
  7. 14. Fish use them to breathe
  8. 15. Air moves through the nasal canal towards the lungs
  9. 16. Molecule in red blood cells that oxygen attaches to
  10. 17. ____ Volume. A regular breath
  11. 18. Air moves through the nasal canal away from the lungs
  12. 21. Connects the trachea to the bronchiole
  1. 1. Splits into larynx & esophagus
  2. 2. _____ Volume. Air left in the lungs, even after a deep breath
  3. 5. _____ Volume. Little bit of extra air after exhalation. (2 words)
  4. 7. Connects the bronchus to the alveolar sacs
  5. 9. Has the consistency of detergent. Lowers surface tension in the alveoli
  6. 10. Traps dust, dirt, and other particulates
  7. 12. Passage for air into the bronchi
  8. 19. Where gas exchange occurs
  9. 20. In mucus