Respiratory System #1

  1. 3. Gas that is obtained during respiration
  2. 6. Medicine that can be used to reduce upper airway oedema
  3. 8. Runny nose
  4. 10. Gas that is removed during respiration
  5. 11. An example of an obstructive lung disease - where there is an increased resistance to airflow
  6. 12. Accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space
  7. 15. The term used for the air remaining in the lungs after normal exhalation - functional ______ ______
  8. 16. Abnormally rapid rate of respiration
  9. 17. Assists alveoli to remain open by overcoming water surface tension within the alveolus
  10. 20. Selecting appropriate guedel size - measure from the ______ to the angle of the jaw
  1. 1. Lack of oxygen in tissues
  2. 2. Correct depth of nasopharyngeal suctioning - measure from the ____ to the tragus of the ear
  3. 4. On auscultation - a ______ ______ is a life threatening sign
  4. 5. Infants are ______ breathers
  5. 7. Type of medication that expands bronchi and bronchioles, decreasing resistance in the respiratory airway
  6. 9. Muscle that creates negative pressure and chest wall movement
  7. 13. This oxygen delivery mode must be used with flows >4LPM to ensure CO2 flushing
  8. 14. In paediatrics, muscle fatigue develops quickly due to poor stores of this
  9. 18. Childhood respiratory disease characterised by a barking cough
  10. 19. Defined as a pH less than 7.35