Respiratory System
- 2. / a lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible.
- 4. / a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness.
- 7. cavity / where air enters when the nasal cavity is blocked.
- 10. / process of forcing air out of the body during respiration.
- 15. cold / a contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses.
- 16. sinuses / named for the skull bones that contain them: frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, and maxillary.
- 17. surgeon / a surgeon that specializes in conditions affecting the organs in the chest.
- 18. technician / run tests on patients with suspected respiratory disorders, such as lung diseases. This is a diagnostic role, and the technologist works with other medical staff to evaluate patients, identifying conditions to come to a firm diagnosis.
- 20. / medical specialty concerned with diseases of the head and neck.
- 23. / a flexible flap at the superior end of the larynx in the throat that acts as a switch between the larynx and the esophagus to permit air to enter the airway to the lungs and food to pass into the gastrointestinal tract.
- 24. / The muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen, the main muscle of respiration, contraction of the muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in.
- 26. / studies normal and pathological anatomy and physiology of the ears as well as their diseases, diagnosis and treatment.
- 27. technician / responsible for understanding the use of the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, used in hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
- 29. / air passes through the nose or mouth to the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs, in which branches no longer contain cartilage or glands in their submucosa.
- 30. / infection of the trachea, larynx, throat, or nose.
- 1. / small bag or sac
- 3. / are tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream.
- 5. / lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid.
- 6. / a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
- 8. / a tube-shaped organ in the neck that contains the vocal cords.
- 9. / an infectious bacterial disease characterized by the growth of nodules (tubercles) in the tissues, especially the lungs.
- 11. / a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseases.
- 12. therapist / clinicians trained in advanced airway management; establishing and maintaining the airway during management of trauma, and intensive care.
- 13. / hair like projections that move rhythmically.
- 14. / another name for windpipe, which is the tube that connects your larynx to your primary bronchi, just before your lungs.
- 19. cancer / malignant tissue in the lungs that destroy tissue. approximately 75% of cases are due to smoking.
- 21. / process of breathing in air during respiration.
- 22. / the conducting zone of the respiratory system.
- 25. / become smaller the closer they get to the lung tissue.
- 28. cavity / warm, moisturize, and filter air entering the body before it reaches the lungs.