Respiratory System

  1. 5. extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; the windpipe
  2. 6. folds of membranous tissue that project inward from the sides of the larynx to form a slit across the glottis in the throat, and whose edges vibrate in the airstream to produce the voice.
  3. 8. each of three thin curved shelves of bone in the sides of the nasal cavity
  4. 10. a flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
  5. 11. the voice box
  6. 12. The amount of air which enters the lungs during normal inhalation at rest.
  7. 13. the outer membrane which is attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
  8. 15. the action of breathing.
  9. 16. the part of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and the hyoid bone
  10. 17. an infectious bacterial disease characterized by the growth of nodules (tubercles) in the tissues, especially the lungs.
  11. 19. the ring-shaped cartilage of the larynx; protects vocal cords
  12. 20. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.
  13. 22. lowest part of the Pharynx
  14. 23. exhalation of breath.
  15. 25. a substance that tends to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved.
  1. 1. a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness.
  2. 2. the part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the slitlike opening between them
  3. 3. any of the minute branches into which a bronchus divides.
  4. 4. plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs.
  5. 6. the delicate serous membrane that covers the surface of each lung
  6. 7. the upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
  7. 9. the volume of air still remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration possible.
  8. 14. a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and development through the rate of metabolism
  9. 18. cavity connecting oral cavity to the esophagus
  10. 21. inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes. It typically causes bronchospasm and coughing.
  11. 24. each of a pair of serous membranes lining the thorax and enveloping the lungs.