Respiratory System

  1. 2. It divides into two main bronchi, each of which ends in a lung, and allows air to pass.
  2. 3. Exterior casing of the heart formed of an inner layer adhering to the myocardium and a thick fibrous outer layer.
  3. 7. It contains the vocal cords and plays a role in speech and respiration.
  4. 8. It helps the ingestion of food
  5. 9. It allows food to reach the stomach.
  1. 1. Place where air inhaled through the nostrils is filtered and humidified
  2. 4. Movable cartilaginous plate ensuring that the larynx closes during ingestion of food so that food cannot enter the respiratory tract.
  3. 5. Section of the left lung separated from the lower lobe by the oblique fissure.
  4. 6. Main artery of the body that originates in the left ventricle of the heart and is made up of four segments
  5. 10. It enables breathing, ingestion of food and speech.