Respiratory System

  1. 1. Voice production and air passageway
  2. 4. Allows for air passage between vocal chords
  3. 6. Produce serous fluid to allow smoother respiration process (2 words)
  4. 8. Branching air passages in the lungs
  5. 10. Food and air may pass through, accommodates increased friction and chemical trauma
  6. 11. Serves only as an air passageway
  7. 12. Ring shaped, provides attachments for muscles, cartilage, and ligaments
  8. 14. Guards the airways
  9. 17. The main site of gas exchange
  10. 18. Passageway for air and food
  1. 1. Passageway for food and air, below oropharynx
  2. 2. Helps conduct air to lungs (2 words)
  3. 3. Location of smell receptors
  4. 5. Air passage that warms and cleans and moistens air entering the body
  5. 7. Commands unconscious body processes (2 words)
  6. 9. Location of respiratory passages smaller than main bronchi
  7. 13. Minimize amount of moisture and heat lost by breathing, allow for increased air turbulence
  8. 14. Propels food
  9. 15. Shield-shaped, produces hormones that regulate parts of the body
  10. 16. Prevents food from entering the nasal cavity and helps with chewing and swallowing (soft)