Respiratory System

  1. 3. hollow, air-containing spaces within the skull that produce mucus, lighten the bones of the skull and help produce sound
  2. 6. inflammation of the bronchi
  3. 8. throat
  4. 9. apparatus used to measure lung volumes and air flow
  5. 11. absence of oxygen
  6. 12. collection of pus in the lungs
  7. 15. double folded membrane surrounding each lung
  8. 16. infectious disease caused by Myocobacterium tuberculosis; lungs are usually involved, but any organ may be affected
  9. 17. muscle that contracts and relaxes to make breathing possible
  10. 18. flap of cartilage attached to the root of the tongue, prevents choking or aspiration of food
  11. 20. fiberoptic or rigid endoscope inserted into the bronchi tubes for diagnosis, biopsy or collection of specimens
  12. 22. malignant tumor arising from the lungs and bronchi
  13. 24. contagious bacterial infection of the pharynx, larynx and trachea, caused by Bordetella pertussis, also known as whooping cough
  1. 1. windpipe
  2. 2. region between the lungs in the chest cavity, contains the trachea, heart, aorta, esophagus, and bronchial tubes
  3. 4. lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx;pharyngeal tonsils
  4. 5. smallest branches of bronchi
  5. 7. nose job
  6. 10. division of a lung
  7. 12. inflammation and infection of aveoli, which fill with pus or products of inflammatory reaction
  8. 13. breathing process of moving air into and out of the lungs
  9. 14. disease where there is a thick layer of mucous that doesn't drain normally
  10. 19. removal of lung tissue followed by microscopic examination
  11. 21. gas that passes into the bloodstream at the lungs and travels to all body cells
  12. 23. chronic inflammatory disorder with airway obsturction