Respiratory/Immune System

  1. 1. Insertion of an artificial airway
  2. 7. Part of the immune system that creates an army of immune cells
  3. 8. abnormal collection of fluid between visceral and parietal pleurae
  4. 10. A persons airway becomes inflamed, narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus making it difficult to breath
  5. 12. Naturally present immune system
  6. 13. Fight cancer cells, viruses, and intracellular parasites
  7. 14. A type of hyperventilation that is the lungs emergency response to acidosis
  8. 15. collapse of alveoli
  9. 19. Increased thoracic rigidity, decreased number of alveoli and diffusion ability, decreased strength in breathing and coughing
  10. 20. any foreign substance that produces an immune response
  11. 21. Voicebox
  12. 22. The muscle of the respiratory system
  13. 25. Develop into cells that produce antibodies
  14. 27. The body produces thick and sticky mucus that can clog the lung. Affects the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines
  15. 28. Fight cancer cells, viruses, and intracellular parasites
  1. 2. acquired, Immunity created from receiving a vaccine
  2. 3. Immunity created from natural exposure to a disease causing organism
  3. 4. True of False: There should be vigorous bubbling during continuous suctioning with a chest tube
  4. 5. chronic condition of bronchi walls are thickened from inflammation and infection
  5. 6. membrane that covers the lungs
  6. 9. Antibodies that bind and lock to antigens on foreign organisms
  7. 11. Windpipe
  8. 16. Sudden development of inflammation in bronchial tubes caused by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumonia and Mycoplasma pneumonia
  9. 17. Protein substance that the body produces in response to an antigen
  10. 18. exchange of gases between the external environment and the body's internal cells
  11. 23. alveoli lose elasticity, trapping air that is normally expired
  12. 24. Inflammatory process affecting the bronchioles and alveoli
  13. 26. hypersecretion of mucus and recurrent or chronic respiratory tract infection