Respiratory/Immune System

  1. 6. fight cancer, viruses, parasites
  2. 8. acquired from disease exposure
  3. 13. bind and lock to antigens
  4. 14. hypersecretion of mucus
  5. 17. alveoli lose elasticity
  6. 19. fluid between pleura
  7. 21. inflamed narrow airway
  8. 22. protein produced due to antigen
  9. 23. hyperventilation due to acidosis
  10. 24. inflammation in bronchial tubes
  11. 27. thickened bronchi
  1. 1. cells that produce antibodies
  2. 2. resistance to blood flow in lungs
  3. 3. produces thick and sticky mucus
  4. 4. Voicebox
  5. 5. Windpipe
  6. 7. membrane that covers the lungs
  7. 9. creates an army of immune cells
  8. 10. inflammation of bronchi/alveoli
  9. 11. acquired from receiving a vaccine
  10. 12. naturally present immune system
  11. 15. the exchange of gases
  12. 16. foreign substance
  13. 18. Increased thoracic rigidity
  14. 20. muscle of the respiratory system
  15. 25. Insertion of an artificial airway
  16. 26. obstruction of pulmonary arteries