
  1. 1. Willem's middle name
  2. 5. One of Stecc's founders
  3. 7. Martijn's baby
  4. 8. Year Return was founded
  5. 10. First storage venture of Return
  6. 12. Willem's most recent baby
  7. 15. Previous Stecc office street
  8. 16. Xuehans baby
  9. 18. Largest project
  10. 19. Daniels most recent baby
  11. 20. Founder of Return's first storage venture
  1. 2. Tallest person working for Return
  2. 3. Feddes baby
  3. 4. Our focus
  4. 6. Most absent in our weekly meeting
  5. 9. Power-over-time unit used by our storage companies
  6. 11. Peak-power unit used by our solar companies
  7. 13. Earliest employee of Soto that still works for Soto/Ekhi
  8. 14. One of Stecc's founders
  9. 17. Most-played sport in Return