
  1. 6. Antonio Gaudi's apartment in Barcelona based on non-rectilinear spaces independent of structure
  2. 7. term for Le Corbusier's design for interior spaces that unfold with the user's movement
  3. 8. housing for factory workers in the USA after WWI
  4. 9. the exhibition of modern houses which showed a unified modern architectural vocabulary
  5. 11. the architect who designed the barcelona pavilion
  6. 13. Sant Elia's futurist city
  7. 14. a group of art and architectural movements in early 20th which rejected history
  8. 16. American architect known for his early factory designs based on the assembly line
  9. 17. last name of the designer of the monument to the third international
  10. 18. the avant-garde movement which prioritized dynamism and speed by means of technology
  11. 19. the German association found to promote German industrial products by superior design
  12. 20. avant-garde movement based on the manifestation of spiritual values
  13. 22. interior which is not separated by walls
  14. 25. Frank Lloyd's Wright's architecture is known by that name due to its rejection of solid enclosures
  15. 26. the architect of the AEG factory
  16. 27. the diagram of the modern house for Le Corbusier which consists of slabs, supports and stairs
  1. 1. name given to Frank Lloyd Wright's suburban houses
  2. 2. the opposite of figurative
  3. 3. 18th c. philosophy based on rationality and progress
  4. 4. the architect of villa savoy
  5. 5. term used for Adolf Loos' complex arrangement of spaces with different sizes and heights
  6. 8. the avant-garde movement that manifested a new understanding of space and time
  7. 10. the integration of all design elements of a building based on the same formal vocabulary
  8. 12. the architecture and design school that unified arts, crafts and architecture
  9. 15. Ebenezer Howard's self-sufficient city which incorporates the advantages of town and country
  10. 21. the architectural approach to early cinema buildings in the USA
  11. 23. House designed by William Kent in the Arts and Crafts tradition
  12. 24. Dutch avant-garde movement based on the primacy of primary colors and right angles