
  1. 2. "A" in SAMPLE
  2. 5. Primary assessment
  3. 8. Oxygenated blood
  4. 12. Trouble breathing
  5. 14. Vital Sign
  6. 15. High to low concentration
  7. 17. Vessels over the brain
  8. 20. Part of a neuro assessment
  9. 21. Body system responsible for filtering blood
  10. 22. Shock
  11. 24. Lung with two lobes
  12. 26. Artificial ventilation set at 12-15 lpm O2
  13. 27. Gas exchange in the respiratory tract
  14. 29. High-pitched lower respiratory sound
  15. 30. Assessment performed on a single body system
  16. 31. High-quality and consistent
  17. 32. "R" in OPQRST
  18. 33. Open airway
  1. 1. Trauma in nature
  2. 3. Audible sound corrected with an OPA
  3. 4. Coronary arteries
  4. 6. High-pitched upper respiratory sound
  5. 7. Slow heart rate
  6. 9. Medical term for crackling lung sounds
  7. 10. Blue-ish gray skin color
  8. 11. Defibrillation
  9. 13. Back of the throat
  10. 16. Vessels over the lungs
  11. 18. Metabolism without adequate O2
  12. 19. High blood pressure
  13. 23. Number of abdominal quadrants
  14. 25. Heart valve between the right atrium and right ventricle
  15. 28. Normal pupils