Review 9-10 Weeks

  1. 1. people watch these on NYE
  2. 3. National day for this dairy beverage 1/11
  3. 5. "Decem" means 10 in what language
  4. 7. Bob Sagat starred in "___ House".
  5. 10. January 4th National Day
  6. 12. goal made on NYE
  7. 14. mansion where Elvis died.
  8. 15. "Turn Over a New ____"
  9. 16. "Wise men say, only ___ rush in..."
  10. 19. Sidney Poitier won this first
  11. 20. "cold, cold ___, harden by you..."
  1. 2. "Let's get the ball ____ today!"
  2. 4. (adj) to hide away, be alone
  3. 6. uses eco-friendly fireworks during NYE
  4. 8. ____ New Year starts February 1st.
  5. 9. families hold “forget-the-year” parties here
  6. 10. Persian New Year starts in the beginning of..
  7. 11. (verb) to do something in excess
  8. 13. NYE Japan, they burn lucky ___.
  9. 17. Sidney
  10. 18. Betty White starred in The __ Girls