Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. : A battle between the Germans and the americans in 1781 and was a decisive victory.
  2. 7. Provided shelter for Newly freed African Americans.
  3. 8. states.
  4. 13. : A slave who sued for his freedom claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the louisiana Territory had made him a free man.
  5. 14. : He was an author of the declaration of independence and was the third president of the united states.
  6. 16. : Guaranteeing suh tights as the freedom of speech, assembly, and worship.
  7. 20. : a Battle between the united states and Mexico from 1846 to 1848.
  8. 21. : was a American social reformed, Abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.
  9. 25. : facilitated the creation of the first transcontinental railroad, a huge railway line connected the east of the USA to the west.
  10. 26. : was a railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 that connected the east to the council Buffs.
  11. 27. : was a ruling that banned off land but the colonists rebelled and won.
  12. 28. : Native Americans that were forced of their lands by the Americans.
  13. 29. : declared the slaves in the rebellious confederate states would be free but not all slaves.
  14. 30. : Gave voting right to every man citizen including African Americans.
  1. 2. : was abolishing slavery and if you had slaves it was a crime.
  2. 3. the belief that American settlers were destined to expand across North America.
  3. 4. : equal protection under law and African Americans became citizens.
  4. 5. : the king of great britain
  5. 6. : a American actor who assassinated president Abraham Lincoln.
  6. 9. : he was a military general and the first president of the united states.
  7. 10. : became a founding father and the impassioned champion of a strong federal government and played a defending role in the US constitution.
  8. 11. : A withdrawal from the eleven
  9. 12. : was a long and serious english law that developed, Promoted and regulated English ships, shipping ,Trade,commerce between countries.
  10. 15. : a battle between the united states and Great Britain over britain violations.
  11. 17. : a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly.
  12. 18. : This act was a law that was passed by the british to import sugar to the colonies.
  13. 19. : a proposal for the structure if the united states Government
  14. 22. : people who are in the anti-Slavery movement.
  15. 23. : large-estate meant for farming that specializes in cotton, coffee, tea, cocoa, and sugarcane.
  16. 24. : was a small battle in the American revolutionary war that had heavy loss and continental army.